Hina Okazaki Portfolio Site

Project 02 >>>

Kinosaki Hot Spring


Front-end development
Mockup, Prototype, and Coding


This is my first website which I did as part of my TAFE course. I decided to create a website about my hometown in Japan which is famous for its hot springs. The goal of this site is to let people know about this beautiful, traditional Japanese town and encourage them to visit and enjoy.

>>> Tools and Skills

Tools and skills I used for this project >>>

>>> Design Concept

Colour palette >>>

Typography >>>

>>> Approach

How I designed and developed this project >>>

This is my first website which I did as part of my TAFE course. I decided to create a website about my hometown in Japan which is famous for its hot springs. The goal of this site is to let people know about this beautiful, traditional Japanese town and encourage them to visit and enjoy.